Get Your Real True Home Value

We Truly Provide Complete Free and Real Home Values for Anyone.

Click below for a real example of All the ones we do.


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We Provide a Free, True, Current and Accurate Value. We provide as many as 200 requests every year and the majority are just curious and not moving. We always have done the detailed research regardless of anyone’s situation because we strongly believe we should provide a fully researched and true value as promised. We honestly will do the same for you. As you will see this homeowner met with us for about half an hour and gave us all the details that enabled us to make sure we did our job right.

There is absolutely no cost or obligation. We can just talk on the phone or get the information needed by email as well. Some homeowners are open to us meeting them for a short visit to see their home even though they are not moving for at least 6 months (this homeowner) or more. Of course, if considering a move soon the current value will certainly be very important. We have done many values over the years for people not moving for a year or more and sometimes not at all. We are old school about liking to meet in person or talk on the phone and this really allows us to get all the facts about any home.

The values we give are not like the web sites out there that cannot know what you have regarding roof and AC ages, hurricane protection, upgrades or remodels to kitchens, baths, flooring, outside pools and patios plus more. They have disclaimers that they can be off by up to 15% or more. Be sure to look at the 3rd page in the middle about this. 

The extra valuable information included is important because it goes into appraisal values, where the market is at any given time, insurance companies not covering roofs and other things as much as they used to plus more. 

Our absolutely very strong desire has always been to have done all we can for your oranyone’s benefit. Our responsibility for the 41 years we have been helping people in South Florida has and always will be to get every homeowner the highest market price or more when deciding to sell their home. FYI – help buyers as well with the newest most complete ways to find the best home for them. 

If you ever consider that we will give you all the ever changing strategies we use for that purpose. We sincerely hope you just will feel comfortable with us, at the very least, getting the information to get your value to you. And we always give a $50 Gift Card to Publix inperson or by mail when that happens.

Thank You,

Lee and Tim

Lee Jenkins Real Estate Specialists – RE/MAX Select Group | Direct and Text: 954-540-8509 | [email protected]